Caroline Colt Auctions is your go-to source for finding the best deals on unique and valuable items. We provide a trusted platform for people to buy and sell items, from rare antiques and collectibles to modern art and luxury items.
We take pride in our high standards and are proud to be the leading auction house in the area. Our experienced team is here to help you find the perfect item, and we have a wide selection of items to choose from. Visit our website now to start bidding

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Unmatched Selection
At Caroline Colt Auctions, we offer a wide range of premium items that you won't find anywhere else. Our selection is unmatched, and you're sure to find your next treasure with us.
Personalized Service
Our experienced staff is here to help you every step of the way. Whether you're a seasoned auction veteran or a first-time bidder, we'll make sure you have the support you need.
Authenticity Guaranteed
At Caroline Colt Auctions, we take authenticity seriously. All of our items are thoroughly vetted and verified to ensure that you're getting the real deal.
Expert Appraisals
Need an appraisal? Our team of experts is here to help. We offer appraisal services for all types of auction items, so you can be sure you're getting a fair price.
The Possibilities Are Endless

Where can I get a copy of Caroline Colt Auctions FFL for a transfer?Please email info@carolinecoltauctions.com We do not receive incoming transfers for pickup you will need to have them sent to Caroline Colt Retroactive and their FFL can be found at www.carolinecoltretroactive.com under the FAQ!
What is your Layaway Policy?We have a 90 day layaway policy with a minimum of 20% down. Once you have paid your down payment you can pay off your item any way you like within the 90 days.
Who do you use for shipping?We use USPS for smaller items. UPS and FedEx will be used for all Firearms.
Do you combine shipping?Yes, but only if you are purchasing the same item and at the same time of purchase.
Do you ship to AK, HI, and other US Territories?Yes we do. We will not ship Ammo to these locations.
Will you ship Firearms to my state?We ship firearms to any FFL in any state. It is the customers responsibility to make sure the item is transferable from their FFL to them. Any firearm not transferable in your state that is returned will acquire a 25% restocking fee.
Will you ship Ammo to my state?We ship ammo to all of the states except: Alaska, Canada, Chicago (we are able to ship to other areas of IL) Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York City, Buffalo and Rochester (we are able to ship to other areas in the state of NY) Washington DC, PR, GU and All international locations. California, Washington State must be sent to an FFL. Some states do require DL, FOID Cards, or other information before shipping.